Endodontic therapy, another name for root canal therapy, is a dental operation used
to treat tooth pulp injury or infection. The tooth's pulp, which is its innermost layer,
is made up of connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. A root canal procedure
could be required to preserve the tooth when the pulp becomes infected or
inflammatory as a result of trauma, extensive decay, or fractures in the tooth.

An outline of the root canal therapy procedure is provided below:
1. Diagnosis: To determine the extent of the infection or pulp damage, the dentist
will first inspect the tooth and may use X-rays. Severe toothache, sensitivity to cold or heat, swelling, or a pimple on the gums are common signs that a root canal
is necessary.

2. Anesthesia: To make sure the patient is comfortable and doesn't experience any
discomfort during the treatment, the dentist will give local anesthesia before to
beginning the process.

3. Access Opening: To gain access to the pulp chamber and root canals, the dentist
will drill a hole in the tooth's crown.

4. Cleaning and Shaping: Following the removal of the infected or inflammatory
pulp, the root canals are meticulously cleaned, shaped, and disinfected to get rid of
any germs or debris.

5. Filling: To close the space and stop additional infection, the root canals are filled
with a biocompatible substance called gutta-percha after they have been cleansed
and shaped.

6. Sealing the Tooth: Either a permanent or temporary filling is used to seal the
tooth's access opening. A dental crown could be advised in some circumstances to
give the tooth more support and shield it from additional harm.
A tooth that would otherwise need to be pulled can often be saved with root canal
therapy. It makes the tooth pain-free, gets rid of infection, and restores normal
function. To guarantee the root canal's long-term success, it's critical to maintain
proper oral hygiene and adhere to any post-treatment care instructions given by the